
Recommended Europe Companies Here is our list of recommended companies in Europe, Set up a meeting and visit. Pyramid Computer KIOSK Embedded Systems EU (Germany and UK) LG Business Solutions Acquire Digital Software Dolphin ADA ImageHolders Kiosks Elotouch Touch Screens ACRELEC America Alpine Kiosk KT Group Crane CPI EasyPay Systems – bill payment Sitekiosk Storm Interface SUZOHAPP Pyramid Technologies Favorites and Marketing Partners It… Read More »

About Kiosk Europe

Who Is Kiosk Europe? It is a project of Craig Keefner.  The KMA kiosk association has always had international members (see for example) but in last 12 months the companies in Europe have multiplied to the point where a separate index is warranted.  This is not a pay to play news site.  Our overall mission has always… Read More »

Europe – Are You Behind or Ahead in Self-Service?

Self Service in Europe Introduction Europe self-service is something to watch! Pretty easy to watch the big companies like McDonald’s, Yum Foods, Inspire and others.   And we think US companies at that point.  Worth noting KFC has over 30,000 restaurants worldwide. Less than 4000 in the US. Everybody likes chicken apparently 🙂  From Our tagline — Europe –… Read More »